TCU Head Start Loan! The possibilities are endless!
What is the TCU Head Start Loan
This loan is designed to assist all NEW Tranquillity Credit Union (TCU) members with a start on their financial journeys. Whether you have an existing need (be it travel, education, small business goals) or would like to start building and establishing your credit and a savings pattern; this is the loan for you!
The maximum amount financed is Thirty Thousand dollars (TTD$30,000), of which Ten Thousand (TTD$10,000) will be placed on your share account as collateral and the other Twenty Thousand TTD $20,000 will be disbursed to you, the member for any purpose!
Disbursement Guidelines
A minimum of $5000 will transferred to your NEW TCU Visa Debit Card, which can be used at point of sale and the balance of funds may be disbursed via:
- Cash
- Premium Deposit Account where you may use the E- banking platform to facilitate third-party transfers, bill payments or further card deposits.